Hip-Hop from the streets of New Jersey – An interview with Lil Arson732

Tell the world about yourself. How did you grow up to become the musician you are today? 

My name is Lil Arson732 and I come from the streets of Toms River, New Jersey. I am 27 years old and music has always been part of my life. Do you know how some people have a secret escape that can take them out of this world? Well, that’s what hip-hop and music, in general, have always been to me. Ever since I was a child, I would always listen to music and have a pair of headphones on my ears. It just takes me to a place where nothing can really bother me. It lifts my spirits no matter what. Music is my fuel.

A lot of artists have influenced me along the way. I was devastated the day that we all lost Juice WRLD. I’m not gonna say that he is the reason why I write or make music but he was definitely a big part of how seriously I take my craft. I started writing about 8 years ago years while I was locked up for 3 years. My first song was a remix to Chi-Raq around 2015 but I really started taking music seriously around 2017. The rest is just history.

You can find me on the major streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, Pandora, etc as Lil Arson732. And you can also find me on SoundCloud as Lilarson732 (yes, the space matters).

Introduce your current musical projects and tell us what makes it special for you! 

My current musical project is called “Welkome To Eisenhower Road!” It’s my first debut album and it’s dropping soon. This album is really special to me because it tells a story of our house that was on Eisenhower Road. This is where the craziest stuff in my whole life happened. Being my debut album, I want to make sure everything is perfect and the picture I’m painting is gonna make sense so everyone can experience every little bit as if they were there with us all. It’s gonna either make or break the way I get into the music industry you know?

How do you find the drive and inspiration to keep playing music? 

Whether it’s sitting around my friends or on my computer in Logic X Pro I can always find the time to write. I could just be sitting there watching TV and I’ll be like “Oh I got to write this down” and I won’t put my phone down. I just let my mind flow and what I want to say comes naturally. Sometimes I’ll even look at the dictionary just to kind of up the ante in my vocab and see what new words I can use my songs. There has never been a time I am not gaining wisdom and I can take any life experience and just start writing about it. I have plenty of life experiences in that house and that’s what the album is going to be about – just everything that we went through since I first entered that house to when they raided it and cut the gas lines.

How is your local music scene from your perspective? Do you feel like you belong there? 

The local music scene in New Jersey is nice! In every town, there are a bunch of people who do it for fun and a bunch of us who take it seriously. But everybody kind of works together and we push one another to strive for the best whether it’s collaborating on a song or free-styling. When people see you at a party or when doing shows together it’s not everyone for themselves. Where I come from we say if one of us eats we all eat. I definitely think I belong here. Everyone writes about life experiences and who they are as a person and there are no lies but straight facts.

What is your all-time favorite record and how did it change you as an artist? 

My all-time favorite record (this is a hard one I have so many) has got to be “NavUziMetro Pt.2”. It changed me as an artist because it includes two of my favorite artists. It showed me playing with auto-tune isn’t as bad as everyone made it to be so that’s when I started to kinda intertwine singing into my music. I’m not quite there yet but I’m getting there.

What are your favorite software and hardware tools for music production? 

Well, I come from not knowing a single thing about the app GarageBand on my iPhone to one day finding an app called BandLab and six months later I’m releasing and mixing my own music! But I’m glad to say today I’m way better then I was. I do everything myself – I have my own home studio and I just go crazy on the mic all day. My favorite software is FL Studio 20 and Logic X Pro. I feel like FL is more advanced but Logic has more stuff. My list goes: MacBook Pro, BM-800 condenser mic, Logic X Pro, Izotope Nectar 3, Ozone 9, Phantom power interface, JLab studio Bluetooth Headphones and that’s just part of what I use.

What is your songwriting process like? 

I take all the beats I own, put them all in a playlist and just press shuffle. I find the one for the mood I’m in or the one that catches my ear and then I just let my thoughts flow.

Out of all the live shows you have played, which one was the most memorable, and why? 

I have only played 2 shows so far. I’m about to play my third one on April 10th in NYC at a television production station, so I’ll get back to you about that later on.

What is your biggest life goal? 

My biggest music goal is to move my mother to Beverly Hills with a nice view and let my kids have anything they want. Basically, I just want to know that my family and loved ones are ok.

How has being on Drooble helped you as a musician?

Drooble exposes me and my music all around the world and is helping me get new fans. It boosted my streams, increased my audience and has made my confidence go up as an independent artist. And for that, I say thank you!

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