Tom Repasky is nearly 70 and his electronica album will warp your mind

At 69 years old, Tom Repasky is an elder statesman of music making whose beefy electronic tunes put modern cookie-cutter EDM producers to shame. Spring 2018, his latest album, features no less than 17 densely layered and orchestrated, richly textured, very complex and intricate instrumental songs.

Their chaotic brilliance and unpredictable structure reminds us of the greatness that is Aphex Twin and we can’t help but be bewildered by Tom’s keen understanding of music technology. He can probably teach university classes with his expertise, though he chose to make music instead. The best category to put it in would be IDM.

Approaching 70, it’s a mystery to us where and how he finds the time and energy to keep up with the times and sound so fresh, inspired and convincing. But such is the way of the musical soul which knows of no physical or metaphysical boundaries.

We have mad respect for Tom’s craft and while 17 songs is plenty to keep us busy with, we can’t wait to hear more!

Horns Up: A long album of brilliantly crafted IDM music whose multiple layers give the musically curious plenty of material to decipher.

Horns Down: The layering and unpredictability could be too dense and intense for those who don’t like complicated electronica. The production could do with a bit of polishing as well, but it’s sharp enough to get the point across.

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