Learning music online is amazing. Here’s why!

Learn Music Online

C’mon. It’s the 21st century – EVERYTHING is online. Thanks to search engines you can learn new facts instantly and thanks to online lessons you can gain new skills easier than before. At Drooble we try to take all the benefits of modern technology and turn them in your favor so you can become the great musician you’ve always wanted to be. Which is good. For everyone.


No travelling

The key is flexibility. Online lessons enable you to learn wherever you like, whenever you like. Don’t feel like going out today? No problem! All you need is your webcam. This also means your teacher can be on the other side of the world or you yourself could be travelling and still get the full learning experience.


It’s cheaper

No travelling also means no travel expenses. This saves you money if you have to get to your teacher’s home or office or saves them money if they’re the one who have to travel to you. This might easily mean lower charges for the lessons, since they’ll be earning more from teaching.

As a bonus, Drooble’s commission fees are significantly lower than what teachers are used to so this might be another reason for them to charge you less.


Easy set-up

To begin taking online lessons you’ll just need a Drooble account and a webcam, nothing more. Look for the perfect teacher using Drooble’s advanced search options and contact them to discuss how you can be useful to one another. And if you happen to experience any difficulties with setting up, we’re always there to help.


It’s informal

Online lessons have all the benefits of staying home for the weekend. No need to look sharp, wear a clean t-shirt, smell good or stand up straight because you’re not going anywhere. All you have to do is watch, listen and play (or sing). Of course, personal hygiene is an important thing and we strongly recommend it but the point is you can watch and listen to what your teacher’s doing and still look like poop without being embarrassed. Okay, this paragraph got a bit dirty, and not in the good way, but everyone has a crappy day every once in a while and with online learning that’s totally fine.


It’s flexible

As we already said, when and where you learn is up to you. But sometimes even you are surprised – an unexpected audition or a sudden realization of a very bad practice habit may require an immediate reaction. With online lessons it’s much easier for your music guru to change schedules and add additional lessons in a matter of minutes. Again, travelling is not something you or your teacher need to worry about.


Don’t worry about billing

Paying for online music lessons is as easy as shopping online. Everything is quick and visible in Drooble’s online system so your teacher will know exactly when a transaction to their account has been made. That’s one less thing they would need to think about. You can discuss charges with your teacher and agree on anything that’s convenient for both sides – you can pay upfront for multiple lessons, a full course, etc.


It’s easy to find a teacher

Drooble’s advanced search makes it super easy for you to find someone with the knowledge and teaching skills you’re looking for. The user-friendly interface will also help you with all communications and scheduling. Teachers on Drooble are users just like you and in most cases they will have photos, videos and information about what and how they teach on their profiles. You can always message them directly and ask for additional details so you know you’ve found the person that’s right for you.


You get to choose

Having a huge global community of musicians and music lovers makes it very easy for you to find a teacher who suits your needs. Unlike with traditional face-to-face teaching, you’re not bound by your geographical location or by your time zone. Anyone, anywhere could be your guy and even if they’re on the other side of the planet they can always decide they prefer to stay up in the middle of the night and share their knowledge with you. A choice like that is much easier to make when you’re in the comfort of your own home. It’s like a sustainable, self-maintaining matching process. And it’s fun.


Get practice tools instantly

Drooble takes all the nice benefits of a live video chat and puts them to good use to help you get the optimal music learning experience. Your teacher will be able to instantly send you messages, videos, links, music scores and any other kind of useful materials you can read, watch, listen to and learn from.



With online learning, it’s way easier for you and your teacher to adjust the length and frequency of your lessons to suit your specific needs and requirements. Online lessons give the benefit of personal approach and flexibility to an extent that traditional teaching can never offer because it takes travel out of the picture and makes scheduling as quick and as simple as possible, saving you both time and money.


Challenge yourself

The online environment enables your teacher to use different tools to challenge and motivate you. Watch annotated videos, get detailed feedback and have fun competing in accuracy tests, leaderboards, scores and other stuff you and your teacher agree would benefit the learning process.


You can both move around

Both you and your teacher can decide to move house and change location at any point in time without this affecting your lessons in any way. As long as there’s an Internet connection, you won’t feel any difference. Personally, we’re looking forward to space colonies and holograms – just imagine taking guitar lessons from someone located on Mars and seeing them in full-3D in your living room. 🙂

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