The Mass Magic of Music Flash Mobs
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Off Beat Videos

The Mass Magic of Music Flash Mobs

Do you know what is popular these days? Cat videos. But also flash mobs. Let’s focus on the latter for the purposes of this article. Hopefully, we can get back to the cat videos sometime soon. So, what is this flash mob thing? I suspect you all have at least a general idea, but just in case let me clarify. Flash mobs are a gathering of a group of people to perform together a seemingly random act in a public…

Off Beat Videos

Songs that sound suspiciously alike

Beatles Abbey Road

Have you ever been haunted by the feeling you’ve heard a song somewhere before when there’s absolute certainty you couldn’t have? We’ve all shouted with exclamation “Gosh, these sound exactly the same!”. Unless you’ve spend your life in an igloo, you’re probably already aware that this is, in fact, a thing in the music industry. But accidents do happen and there are only so many ways to combine tones and make them sound like music. Because “rip-off” is a bad…

Off Beat Videos

Some VERY weird music videos

Weird Videos

There are literally thousands of lists of the so called “THE” weirdest music videos, usually “of all time”. This is not going to be such a list because we don’t believe in “THE”. There is certainly not one single video that would make anyone doubt their sanity. And thanks to our favorite subjectivity anything can be more or less weird than anything else. How weird something is depends on where you yourself are on the weird scale. And that can…