Guest Article – Hometown Silence
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Guest Article – Hometown Silence

As artist, we all may be familiar with the feeling. You’ve just written and recorded an awesome new single! As the file uploads, you’re full of excitement at the prospect of gaining new fans, and getting feedback from your close friends and family. The moment arrives. The artwork is done and the song is posted online. You tag all of your friends and family, sit back, and wait. Only to find that…nothing happens. That person you just messaged who seemed…


Antonio Di Nardo Thinks Musicians Should Stop Competing

Antonio Di Nardo is a musician/bass player. We wanted to ask Antonio a few questions because he’s incredibly experienced and very talented. As expected, he had many things to say on the subjects we inquired — especially that one touchy subject! Salve, Antonio! You are an extremely prolific bass player – the amount of bands and projects you have been part of is staggering! How do you find the time and energy to be so musically active? I think I…