10 surefire ways to gain exposure and make money with your music online
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10 surefire ways to gain exposure and make money with your music online

Does making a living with your music sound like an impossible dream? If you think it’s not possible, you will never make it. We understand you, though – as a 100% do-it-yourself musician, it feels like you are fighting a battle all alone, with slim chances of success. Are you really alone, though? There are millions out there like you. If we, musicians, helped each other out by sharing our music between ourselves and the people we know, getting noticed…


5 tips to be more satisfied with what you play and record

It happens all too often, doesn’t it – you just can’t end up satisfied with what you put down, no matter how many hours you spend trying to extract your best performance and record it impeccably. You end up feeling disappointed in yourself, questioning your passion for music and abandoning plenty of perfectly fine sounding recordings and ideas because, as it turns out, you are quite the little perfectionist! Don’t worry, it’s common among all artistic types. Drooble users know…


5 tips to rule at musical improvisation

Being able to improvise convincingly is a telltale mark of having mastered a musical instrument. You have probably seen your favorite players lose themselves into awesome solos they made up on the spot, and of course you want to do this too! But the road to learning improvisation can be tough and confusing. Luckily, Drooble users have a little roadmap with 5 useful tips for adventurers like you. Take the advice and, no matter what instrument you play, those improvisational…


5 tips for rock-solid social networking as a musician

Like them or not, social networks are among the Internet’s most important promotion tools for musicians. We dedicated an article to that in the past, which you should check out if you haven’t. The gist of it is social networking lets you reach out to your fans and industry people, share more than just your art, build a fanbase by being proactive, and benefit from word of mouth. When done right, it’s an indispensible tool. Done wrong, it’s a waste…


5 tips for smart spending on making music and organising tours

Among the many things recording and touring have in common is the requirement of investing money. Whether you have to spend on production or transport, you have to be precise with money and confident in your decisions to not end up in a bad spot. Drooble users discussed the challenge and came up with very good tips everyone planning to record or tour in the near future must consider. Here they are! 1. The potential revenue should be at least…