KOBRA KEI: Your Nymph, Your Rapper, Your Messiah

You know how sometimes you can’t quite get someone because they seem too… unhuman? In the case of musicians it’s that feeling you get when the music and visuals are so weird but so well done at the same time, that you start doubting your own judgement and start wondering if you’re getting old. Sometimes musicians are brave, braver than normal. This is the case with Buenos Aires based Kobra Kei. I’m not sure what the best way to describe whet you’re going to see and hear next is, but one is certain – calling it rap or electro-pop just doesn’t do it justice. Simply put, your mind is going to be blow to little pieces by the sheer insanity that squirts out of Kobra Kei’s whole approach to music. It’s that special kind of insanity though – the kind that’s fully aware that it’s ahead of its time and so it’s absolutely sure of itself. Thankfully, we managed to arrange this little interview in order to help you and ourselves both to make some sense of Kobra kei and understand why we like it so much. Enjoy, you guys.

Hey. Please introduce yourselves.

Hey! I am the Kobra Kei, Blanca Nieves Damevin.

To my right is Dulcinea, my sister, in synths and choirs.

In the studio is The Producer (Ezequiel Araujo) the music-maker.

Can you describe your creative process?

Generally it starts in the studio, we go into it without almost anything done, we do everything in there. We get there, we connect what we need to start playing, and we start. Ezequiel and Dulcinea play, I rap and the song starts coming up. Sometimes songs are already written and other times I make them up in the moment, I record very few shots, probably the first or last shot will be the one that remains, the one where I am most tired: the producer wants what must be and not what I am thinking it has to be.

That is our M.O., we create as we work. After having the songs laid out, recorded and the music composed, we start editing, producting, mixing and mastering.

kobrakei02How was your relationship with music born?

It starts some time before my adolescence, that’s when I started being conscious about what I am listening to, also choosing what I want to listen to. Music started transforming me, always educated me, precisely in that moment where I had questions nobody could answer.

Do you think music has changed you?

Music modifies your way of thinking and understanding life. Music is magic, it deserves a lot of respect. It can modify, cause emotion, transform. There are lyrics that mark you:
Ooh you look good

Ooh you smell good

Ooh you taste good

Like a bad girl should

What is the importance of aesthetics in a band?

There is musical aesthetics and visual aesthetics. Both are important, because through them you can visualize your work. The aesthetics reflect what we want to express.

What are some of your musical heros?

David Bowie is the great muse, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Yoko Ono, John Lydon, Virus, Iggy Pop, Lennon, Kraftwerk, amongst others.

Is there a message you want to convey through your music?

What we say in the songs. The music itself is the message.

What is the weirdest thing that happened to you at a concert?

One summer, the sun melted down a mixer.

Enjoy this little oasis of insanity? head over to Drooble and find thousands of music-crazy people just like you.

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