5 useful tips from Drooble users for finding lyrical inspiration

Coming up with the right set of lyrics for a song could be challenging even for very experienced writers that have no problems expressing themselves in such form. That’s why Drooble users discussed the issue in our communities and pondered ways of breaking on through to the other side when you are stuck before a white list you must populate with words. Ones that rhyme and still make sense, no less!

Songwriting can be difficult, but it is rewarding, so don’t get discouraged – instead, take advantage of these five useful inspiration tips that Drooble users & team came up with during the discussion!

1. Read a book or watch a movie

Inspiration must be fed and nurtured. If your life hasn’t been all that dynamic lately, read a book, watch a movie, or find something interesting to do outside of your current hobbies and interests. This way, you will surely find the inspiration to write some expressive lyrics about something that sparked certain emotion or interest in you. It’s how you get the creative juices to flow.

Tip by Mihailo Glisic

2. Find the vocal melody and the lyrics will come

It’s almost uncanny, but it works – if you come up with a nice vocal melody, finding (at least partly) the right words to it is usually a breeze. They just seem to jump at you and take their place on top of the melodic hook. Don’t be too strict with words when you start – just come up with some stuff and do the polishing and word replacement later, when you have enough lyrics for a complete song.

Tip by Med Amine

3. Ask yourself what you want to sing about, and go from there

Don’t have any music to write to? Okay, then – think like a writer. Ask yourself what it is that you want to write and sing about. If a topic emerges and it seems too broad, keep narrowing it down until you know exactly what you want to say. Then write a story, a poem, anything to get it out of your system.

You don’t need to come up with lyrics right away – you can do that later, when you have finished expressing your ideas. If you start with the lyrics immediately, the intricacies of lyrical writing – such as rhyming – might get you stuck and prevent you from going all the way towards what you wanted to express.

Tip by Oyefemi Oyeneyin

4. Picture a scene and describe it in lyrical form

Use your imagination to come up with a particular scene. Visualise all the details in your head, then put them down to paper. Again, you don’t have to start with the lyrics right away. Get done with the description first. If you can draw, you can even sketch or paint your imagination’s product. When all the details are in place and the vision has come alive on paper, turn it into song lyrics.

Tip by Ray Packer

5. Start writing immediately when inspiration strikes

Inspiration can be finicky in that it often comes unexpected and goes away before you have the means to take advantage of it. So if a bright lyrical idea comes to mind and you have your smartphone (or pen and paper if you are old-school like that), put away whatever it was that you were doing in that moment (if it’s reasonable to do so, of course) and try to capture your mind’s creation before it flees.

Trust us, you will be happy that you acted immediately when the inspiration was there, instead of waiting for a more appropriate moment to take action.

Tip by BeatBakker Productions

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