Putting together an electronic press kit for your band is easy – here’s why you need one!

Being surrounded by musicians non-stop, we sometimes get to hear them bother. One of the worst anxiety we’ve heard from musicians is that putting together a very nice electronic press kit isn’t worth the time, because “labels receive hundreds of these each day” and “no one is going to see it”.

What’s an electronic press kit, actually? It’s a package of visual, textual, and musical materials containing everything there is to know about your band or project. It’s the biggest aid for any label or promoter interested in dealing with you, because it lets them:

  • Learn about your band or project (bio, shows played, discography, gig availability etc)
  • Hear and see you with downloadable songs and videos
  • Contact you over e-mail, social media, phone, and whatever else you’ve got
  • With an EPK, all of this is accomplished quickly, and with minimal effort – great for those busy label and promotion people!


    Now, back to the complaints. Just like anything else you are doing with your band or project, an electronic press kit is a product of yours. If it’s a good one, it is going to get noticed, no matter what! How else do you think you are going to stand out among the tens of sub-standard EPK’s and demos promoters and labels deal with on a daily basis?

    How do you think others before you managed to stand out?

    Well, they put in the work, created a bomb EPK, sent it flying to maybe 40 labels, and probably got at least 10 to give it a good, thorough examination. Which is still very good – that’s 10 labels noticing you. Not one. Not zero. Ten! You don’t need 40 labels. Can you really deal with approaches by so many labels at the same time?

    Some of the benefits of having an electronic press kit are:

    1. All the information about your band or project in one convenient place
    2. They can be sent instantly over e-mail and other file sharing mediums
    3. They can contain all sorts of multimedia to present your band or project in the best possible light
    4. With modern tools, an EPK can be made very quickly and easily, at zero cost

    Electronic Press Kit Generator at Drooble

    Did you know that making a decent electronic press kit requires zero design experience or software knowledge these days? At Drooble, we have a free electronic press kit generator – feed it all the info you can about your band and it will come up with some fantastic material that’s ready to make the rounds at labels’ and promoters’ inboxes.


    While physical press kits are still a good way to present yourself to prospective contacts, not all of them are easy to reach by regular “snail mail”. Moreover, the investment in a physical PK can be pretty high, compared to the great-looking EPK you can get from Drooble for free. All you need is some Karma points and band stuff (photos, videos, recordings, information). The EPK Generator handles the rest.

    If you are serious about promoting your band, not taking advantage of this wonderful tool is simply uncalled for. Get your EPK game on!

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