An emotional downpour in No Puedo Parar De Pensar by Leandro Polack

Each day spent on Drooble means tons of new music to listen to experience. We tend to think we’re pretty good at understanding and perceiving it all. That’s why we dare to be reviewing all you kind people’s art. However, there’s always something that manages to catch you unprepared and let your mind wander around uncharted territories of your own consciousness and tastes.

“No Puedo Parar De Pensar” is a single by Buenos Aires-based singer-songwriter, guitarist and pianist Leandro Polack. It will take just a bit over 4 minutes of your life but it will fill your being and soul with such sincere beauty and expression. This effect is not only due to the simple and smart songwriting, the intimate sound and minimalist choice of instruments. The track owes a lot to the beautiful voice of Sofia Derrossi. She completely transforms the experience, giving it even more humane vibe. The lyrics are, we guess, in Spanish and this also contributes to the track’s energy. For everybody not familiar with the language it makes it feel special, for everybody fluent in Spanish, it brings it even closer and more sincere.

There’s only one scary thing we caught ourselves thinking about after listening to “No Puedo Parar De Pensar” and that would be how easy is to miss great music nowadays. Especially such tiny pieces of acoustic beauty scattered in the digital world. So, keep listening, keep discovering and yeah, start from Leandro Pollack and his amazing collab with Sofia Derrossi.

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